Northeastern North Carolina SPCA March 2020
By: Kim Parrish

There are many animal welfare agencies throughout our state and our country. Many with different names, but all with the same Mission Statement: To provide humane care, shelter and sustenance to the animals who enter our doors.
We have four animal shelters in our seven-county region. All partner together with similar goals to benefit the animals. SPCA of Northeastern NC in Elizabeth City is supported by Pasquotank and Camden, Outer Banks SPCA is a Dare County facility located in Manteo, Tri-County in Belvidere represents Chowan, Gates and Perquimans and Currituck Animal Shelter in Barco houses the animals of Currituck County.
There are many national animal welfare organizations as well, such as the ASPCA and the Humane Society of the United States to name a few. These organizations have brought animal welfare to the forefront as well as working to legislate animal welfare laws. Our smaller shelters benefit from their national coverage and their push for animal welfare recognition. However, smaller shelters are less funded and less recognized while working tirelessly on the front lines of saving lives. These small shelters rely heavily on the financial support of their community. Giving locally helps the shelters in your community with the care of animals as well as implementing programs to help promote adoptions, spay-neuter, foster programs, medical needs of the animals and often behavioral and temperament training to help them become more adoptable.
Animal shelters are an integral part of every community. Their involvement in the community goes beyond adopt-a-thons or bake sales. They provide an outlet for those who find themselves lost or lonely. They provide comfort when having to relinquish a beloved pet. They teach children the meaning of responsibility through the care of animals and educate on the importance of humane treatment of our most vulnerable. Whatever reason they are brought through our doors, we take them in. They provide a safe haven for the abandoned, stray, unwanted, abused, inconvenient or unloved. They feed the hungry, comfort the frightened and love the unwanted and abused. Our mission is to give them unconditional love until they find their forever homes. Supporting your local shelter helps to give these wonderful companions the opportunity for a second chance. They deserve it.
Kim Parrish, Board of Directors, SPCA of Northeastern NC
To Visit the NENC SPCA Website Click Here
To go to their Facebook page Click Here