Camping with the family — from Jason Hanson
Today, I’m going camping… We went camping last ....
Washington: A Life ——-from Armed Citizens Network
Washington: A LifeBy Ron Chernow928 pages paperback, Sept. 2011 by Penguin BooksISBN-13: 978-0143119968Reviewed by Gila HayesFor my Independence Day reading about our nation’s founders, the book I chose was a whopping 900+ page biography of our ....
Homeowner Shoots And Kills Armed Intruder Who Kicked Down Door ———from NRA
Authorities said that a California ....
GOA BEATS BLOOMBERG IN COURT from Gun Owners of America
GOA Wins a 2A Sanctuary Victory in Court!Gun Owners of America (GOA) and Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) beat Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety in court this Thursday.The issue involved a Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance (SASO) ....
The Treat of Road Rage from US Legal Shield
The Threat of Road RageAs we hit the midpoint of this strange summer, one ever-present danger for gun owners has made its presence felt across the country: road rage. Whether caused by the tensions associated with the ....
River City Flea Market
Saturday July 17th from 10 am to 1 pm. Ashlie Morris (Rapid Ron's Racing Sportsman Division, #712), Lonnie Twiford (Little Caesars Super Streets Division, #04) Kolton Stevens (Little Caesars Super Streets, #78) from Dixieland speedway will ....